The 9th day of Lent

“...and the waves beat into the boat, so that the boat was already being swamped. But Jesus was in the stern, asleep on the cushion; and they woke him up and said to him, ‘Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?’
He woke up and said to the sea, ‘Peace! Be still!’
Then the wind ceased, and there was a dead calm.”
~Mark 4:37-39

Imagine yourself on this life-threatening voyage with the disciples. You’ve bailed water for hours. Your legs are bruised from being banged about the boat by the heaving waves. You are cold, wet, and bone-weary. With a hoarse voice you ask, “Teacher, do you not care…?”

What about this passage touches you the most? That Jesus could control an uncontrollable force? That Jesus was surprised by their fear? That the disciples expected Jesus to intervene, but then, when he did, they were astounded that he could help?

...What does this passage say to you about the mystery of God’s presence in seemingly uncontrollable circumstances?  What might have happened if the disciples had woken Jesus earlier?
...and why on earth do you think the disciples asked ‘who is this?’ when they has already seen Jesus perform other miracles? Is it possible to take Christ for granted—or to walk with him without fully recognizing him in your life?
Our God of face-melting unthinkable awesomeness doesn’t just hover over the waters.
God literally walks right into them. THIS is the God to whom we ascribe glory, THIS is the ONE who became human and stepped into the turmoil and dysfunction—the storm—of sin and said, “peace! Be still!” Be still and know that I am God..

Prayer Practice:
Sit in stillness with God.

(set a 3 minute timer if you need to,
or add a short prayer to each breath: inhale, ‘
Christ you care’ and exhale, ‘Still my soul’) 


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