Day 13 of Lent

“The apostles gathered around Jesus, and told him all that they had done and taught. He said to them, ‘Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while.’ For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat.”
~Mark 6:30-231

“Horse Before the Cart”
 by Evelynn McRae
I daily have many questions and concerns, as well as crisis that seem to need an immediate fix.  I can easily dwell on all the negatives.  This comes naturally. 
...Or, I can choose like Mary, sister of Martha, to do the “one thing” needed.  First and foremost, sit at His feet and worship Jesus!
Recently, as I was jogging in my neighborhood and asking the Lord about many things, He responded with this thought:
Don’t put the cart before the horse. 
“Wow,” I thought.  “That is a different kind of answer….”
I looked up the meaning of this idiom and the history behind it.  One of the earliest citations is from Cicero in 44 BCE.  Inherited from the Greeks – “the thing” that should come second is put first!
As I questioned the Lord, these thoughts enlarged.  The “one thing” that should come first is to commune with the Lord and seek His agenda.  Jesus gave the example when He went out early and communed with His Father before beginning His day.  Then He went forth with the Father’s agenda and authority.
As I meditated on this the next several days, I understood that for me to put the cart before the horse is to follow compassion for all the needs we encounter or follow guidelines of others without seeking God first.  I shouldn’t presume to know His will just because I know scripture.  I must worship Him first and allow the Spirit to guide and instruct me in God’s timing.  My quality time spent with Jesus determines the quality of fruit from my life. 
In studying Mark, I realize the disciples saw need, Jesus saw supply!  My thinking needs to constantly shift from my limited vision to His unlimited view.  He knows all.  He sees all.  And He surely knows the best time, the best way, and the next step for me that will be most advantageous for all concerned.
Worship first.  Spend time with Him, communing over His written word and listening for His voice.  Then I am equipped to accomplish His agenda instead of mine.  It’s a daily “one thing” that benefits not only me: I then take care of  “the cart.”
Jesus says, “Follow Me.  Be My disciple!” 
Daily choose to put the “horse before the cart!”

“Lord, in this moment, my soul rests in you.
This day, I choose You.
May it be so forever. Amen.”


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