Day 17: Feeding More with Less

In those days when there was again a great crowd without anything to eat, Jesus called his disciples and said to them, ‘I have compassion for the crowd, because they have been with me now for three days and have nothing to eat...’ His disciples replied, ‘How can one feed these people with bread here in the desert?’
Jesus asked, ‘How many loaves do you have?’ They said, ‘Seven.’
~Mark 8:1-5

Wait a second…
     Didn’t Jesus JUST miraculously feed even
more people a few chapters ago? (Mark 6:30-44)
     And didn’t they even start with
less food that time?

Why should the disciples doubt Jesus now?
          Did they forget about that other time when five loaves fed thousands?
    ..and WHO would they be doubting? Themselves? God?
Don’t they know the Exodus story where God sent manna into the wilderness? Or do they simply not realize that Jesus IS the Christ? The saving one. The same God who provides for and cares for people.
Our experiences of God—the times when God has rescued, confronted, comforted, and challenged us—should teach us to rely on and trust in divine faithfulness. They should help us remember how God has cared for us in the past.

But our weakness makes us fearful. Forgetfulness hardens our hearts.

Remembering, therefore, is an active way of worshipping. Looking
back is an important part of out journey to the cross—but not looking back for regret or guilt. We look back to see how far God has carried us. We look back to remember and rehearse God’s faithfulness.

Reflect and Pray:
Think about God’s mighty acts of salvation that might carry you through moments of doubt….
(moments of God’s faithfulness proclaimed in Scripture or revealed in your life)
Have you ever witnessed a miracle that sustained you in a ‘wilderness place’?
When has God confronted, comforted, or guided you?
(even small things)

Write or draw a moment that comes to mind.
And then thank God for it.


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