Day 12 of Lent

Jesus called the twelve and began to send them out…
He ordered them to take nothing for their journey except a staff;
no bread, no bag, no money in their belts… he said to them, ‘If any place will not welcome you and they refuse to hear you, as you leave, shake off the dust that is on your feet as a testimony against them. ~Mark 6:7-11

“Welcoming Disciples” by John McCollum

             I noticed the young man standing in the back of the Family Life Center during a cold Sunday morning service. He was homeless but did not appear to have been on the streets long. He was wearing shorts, a stuffed duffel bag was by his feet,  and he wore a look of despair on his face. I noticed him as I returned to my seat from the offering call.
I thought about him throughout the rest of the service. He seemed too young to be homeless. Something had brought him into our Sunday service. Was he seeking the warmth of the building on this frigid day? Was he looking for help? Was he seeking to fill a spiritual void? These questions have haunted me since that day. I looked for the visitor after the service but he was gone. I do not know what I would have done if I had found him. What is my role as a Christian? What would I say if he asked for help?
During this season of Lent I struggle with these questions.

I pray for guidance and for God to give me the wisdom to address those in need. Maybe all it takes is a friendly handshake and the willingness to listen.  Hopefully I would be able to offer a simple prayer for God to address the hurt the individual may be experiencing.  I know healing starts with the individual. I ask for the strength to be able to take the first step.

Lord, Give us the eyes of Jesus
to truly see our neighbors and the strangers we meet.
Teach us what it means to love the stranger as we love ourselves.
Forgive us for our selfishness,
for our silence,
for not caring enough for the strangers who come to our communities.
Teach us to love and care for the stranger the way you do.

("God of this City" by Chris Tomlin)

 ....and, if you have time, check out this awesome video by Rob Bell: "Dust"
(it's like 15 minutes, but well worth it--especially in the context of discipleship)


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