Week 2: Joseph, the Husband of Mary

This second week of Advent, we look at Joseph 
What was his story? What were his thoughts and struggles? How did
Joseph prepare the world for Jesus’ coming and how does he lead us to Christ even now?

Throughout this week, we'll journey to the manger with Joseph as he prepares the world for Christ's long-awaited coming….and along the way, we also ask, “how does Joseph lead us to Christ even now?”:

Joseph’s appearance in Scripture is brief:
  • · He is listed in the line of King David: Matthew 1:1-17 (see v 16) and the original Adam: Luke 3:23-38 (see v. 23) 
  • An Angel appears in Joseph’s Dream: Matthew 1:18-25 
  • Joseph journeys with Mary to Nazareth: Luke 2:1-5

Nowhere in the Bible does Joseph speak, but we need his witness.

We need the witness of Joseph the humble, who was willing to simply be God’s carpenter, building a life of comfort and security for Jesus and faithfully performing the role of stand-by equipment in God’s great plan for salvation. We need the witness of Joseph the obedient, who was able to trust God’s plan when it did not make any sense to him and when all around him there were people who would have encouraged him to denounce and even kill Mary. We need the witness of Joseph the silent servant, the saint of the rank and file, who was willing to quietly serve God’s purpose without ever asking what’s in it for me? We need the witness of Joseph the foster parent who was willing to accept a child that God brought to him and to love that child without reservation. 

Advent is about preparing for Christmas and getting ready for Christ to come into our own hearts and lives. Part of Advent means remembering the story of  when Jesus first came into the world (looking back to the first Christmas in the Bible). Another part means remembering Jesus’ promise to come again (looking forward to the kingdom of God). But it also means recognizing Christ’s place in our hearts and lives now.
  If you have a nativity set, continue building it with  Joseph—and know that the story isn’t finished yet. Visit Kids corner to color pictures of Joseph and build your own nativity.


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