The Impossible Becomes Possible

Reflection by Evelyn McRae
Luke 1:30-31, 37 “The angel said to her, “Don’t be afraid, Mary, God has shown you His grace.  Listen!  You will become pregnant and give birth to a son, and you will name him Jesus.  For nothing is impossible with God."

Mary’s destiny was to carry and birth Jesus. This meant that she physically carried the Word of God into the world. Talk about a prophetic mission! She accepted God’s plan for life. She faced a challenge to be singled out in her community to do something beyond human reasoning.
I’m sure fear, doubt, and unbelief reared their heads, but Mary remained steadfast. 
Luke 2:19  “Mary kept all these things to herself, holding them dear, deep within herself.” 

She revisited this encounter.  She did not lose her grip on the reality of the miraculous, or the fact that it happened to her personally.

Our destiny is also to carry and birth the spiritual life of Jesus. This means reflecting Christ in our own lives. In John 17:23, Jesus, praying to the Father, said, “I am in them and You are in Me.” 
In Colossians 1:27, Paul tells us “Christ lives in you.”

Just as Mary held her encounter close in her heart, it helps us to remember: the impossible happened: God lives in me!  He is present in my life in every moment, every circumstance, every situation, day and night, day after day.

Treasure His presence! Ponder the miraculous. Live in anticipation of what He will do next!  Listen for His voice. Receive His love! Embrace Him! Joy and gratitude bubble up.  Dark days don’t look hopeless.

The “impossible” is our reality!  Think about that!

Read the Scripture (Luke 1:26-38) and talk about it together:
Mary was a young girl with no husband. Do you think she might have been surprised and afraid when Gabriel told her she was going to have the Son of God? She probably was, but did she obey God anyway? Yes, she did. She told Gabriel she was the Lord’s servant.

Pray: Dear God, You do amazing things. Thank you for coming into this world. Thank you for coming into my heart. Help me to be more like you so that I can share your love with the world. Amen."

For More Reflection: In the context of Mary, listen to this song and think about about what Christ's coming means in your own life:
"The same great light that broke the dark
The same great peace that calmed the seas
Hallelujah, is living in me.
...What if I believed in Your power
And I really lived it

What, what if I believed, Christ in me."


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