Shepherds in the Field

If you haven't already done so, make sure you read Luke 2:8-20 before listening to this song...


If you notice, this entire song happens in the tension after the shepherds hear the good news from the angels.
I think this is the Advent tension of our own lives.
We’ve heard the good news before.
We’ve heard that Jesus has been born (before).
But we haven’t seen it with our own eyes. we're left with a question:
Is this news worth seeking more?

Mighty God,  pour your Spirit into our church and bless all of us with the vigor and joy of shepherds who hear Your news afresh! As we stand in the fields of our lives, open our eyes to your Glory and Your Word.
Give us the courage to look at each other saying,
“Let’s go! Let’s go wherever Jesus is.
And let’s tell the world as we go.”


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