Magnify the Lord in Prayer

"O magnify the Lord with me, let us exalt God's name together."
~Psalm 34:3 
"And Mary said, 'My soul magnifies the Lord.'" 
~Luke 1:46

Today, in this first week of Advent, we pray in the spirit of Mary 
We pray WITH her:
  • “My spirit rejoices in God my savior” (Luke 1:46)
    We offer praise.
  • “The Mighty One has done great things for me…” (Luke 1:49)
    We remember. –What acts in Scripture and history has God accomplished? Where in your own life have you experienced God?
  • “How can this be?” (Luke 1:29, 34)
    We honestly voice struggle. (i.e. "Lord, I don’t have it all figured out. The world doesn’t always match up with your vision, but I know that you are big enough to handle my doubts...")
  •  “Here am I, the servant of the Lord.” (Luke 1:38)
    We offer ourselves to God’s mission--struggles and all.
And we pray FOR the women she represents:

  • Women who carried (and continue to carry) us forward in faith. May their spirits rejoice!
  • Women who desire to be mothers like Mary, but struggle with infertility. May they find hope and strength in God’s promises this Christmas.
  • Single women who find themselves pregnant and facing judgment from society. May they experience community and God’s mercy.
  • Women in need of shelter and protection--especially women at the Domestic violence/sexual assault Center--may these women, like Mary and Elizabeth, find peace and strength in community. 

    Kids Corner: What have you learned this week from Mary's reaction to God and the angel? (you might need to review Mary's story in Luke 1:26-56
    Are there women in your own life who, like Mary, have taught you about God? Give thanks for them!
    With your parents, work through the above prayer....

For More Reflection:
  • Write down as many women of faith as you can (in Scripture and in your own life). Send a note (or a text) of thanks to one of these women…
  • Mary's story is ultimately one of joy, but remember that not all stories work out so easily (or quickly).... Where, in Ocala, do women and families struggle? Send your prayers there--because that is exactly where God stands too.


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