The Second day of Christmas

Today is the second day of Christmas.
...a day that reminds us that, even after the wrapping paper is torn away (even after the events and errands settle down) God is still with us. The spirit and joy of Christmas continues.

We're reminded that the star that shone at the birth of Christ marks the beginning of his life on earth  and the start of the wise men's journey (--not their arrival. We'll celebrate that on January 5th, "Epiphany Sunday").

So yes, it's the second day of Christmas. The journey continues!

A Prayer for the Christmas Season 
from The United Methodist Book of Worship, pg279. 

Holy God, heaven and earth are met
in the newborn Child, Savior of the world.
We celebrate his birth;
for in him you come to be close to us, that we might be close to you.

Especially, we give thanks
for the birth, life, death, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ and all he means to us...
for prospects of peace in the world...
for confidence in your almighty love...
for those who generously give...
for those who graciously receive...
for the Church’s nurturing us in the faith... 

God of all mercy,
as you have come in Jesus Christ to be our guest,
inspire our hearts to a hospitality
that welcomes all your children in his name.

Especially we pray
for those who have not heard your good news...
for the sick and suffering...
for those who know no laughter, only tears...
for those who govern and rule...
for those enslaved by tyranny...
for prisoners of addiction or abuse...
for the Church as a refuge for the needy...   

All this we pray in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. 


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