Shepherds and Angels

One of the goals in this “Journey to the Manger” theme is to put ourselves in the place of the nativity characters and follow their lead.
So today, imagine yourself in the position of one of the shepherds. You’re simply at work—following your routine—when God’s glory appears around YOU with a burst of light and you hear that God has chosen you to hear and carry good news to the world:
Says the angel, "I am bringing YOU good news of great joy for all the people…”  

The reality is that God HAS chosen you. God HAS called you.
Read this worship poem with the mindset of a shepherd, sought and called by God...

 "O great God who chooses me"
O great God who chooses me
Who calls to me and picks me
Who looks past all of the things that other see
Those things that cause them to pass me by
O great God who choose me
Who calls to me and picks me
Even when I am running from you
Even when I am hiding from you
Even when I don’t want to be found
O great God who chooses me
Who calls to me and picks me
who invites me into work of eternity
after I have turned away yet again
who come to me after I have messed up yet again
O great God who chooses me
Even after I have chosen my will over yours.
O great God who chooses me
Who calls to me and picks m
I lift my heart and my hands to you
I come offering who I am to you
And asking you to take this small gift
Take these few loaves and fishes
And break me
use me to feed and to clothe
And to love
I come knowing full well that I will still run sometimes
Knowing in my heart of hearts that I am not strong enough
Or patient enough
Or brave enough
Or confident enough
To continue to go where you are leading
But knowing that—beyond all reason—
You are the great God who chooses me
Who calls to me and picks me
and right now, in this moment
I lift my life to you in worship and in praise.
O great God who chooses me
Who calls to me and picks me
Today I choose you.


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