Mary's Song of Praise

Take a few minutes to meditate on Mary's song from Luke 1:46-55.What do you hear? What does it say about God? How does it guide your own prayers?

This is a text version set to guitar. Slow down. Settle into it:

Another option is to listen to the song itself set to music...

A Modern Magnificat (by Joy Cowley):
My soul sings in gratitude.
I’m dancing in the mystery of God.
The light of the Holy One is within me
and I am blessed, so truly blessed.

This goes deeper than human thinking.
I am filled with awe
at Love whose only condition
is to be received.

The gift is not for the proud,
for they have no room for it.
The strong and self-sufficient ones
don’t have this awareness.

But those who know their emptiness
can rejoice in Love’s fullness.
It’s the Love that we are made for,
the reason for our being.
It fills our inmost heart space
and brings to birth in us, the Holy One. 

Kids Corner
Read Mary's Song (Luke 1:46-56) and talk about it together:
Mary was so encouraged when she went to visit Elizabeth that she started singing! She sang a beautiful song to God. Read the song again and find three reasons she worshiped God.

Do more together:
Turn on your favorite worship song and sing it to God!


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