Third Symbol of the Jesse Tree: Noah

Third Symbol of the Jesse Tree: Noah

(from the first sin to spiraling depravity throughout the whole world--yet God still works salvation into the world. God offers a way out to Noah's family and the animals)

“When you open the Bible, do you know what you find?  You find the stories that trace the branches of Jesus’ family… You find people who were big cheaters, bad liars, weaseling sneakers, battling brothers, fighting families, and all the beaten up and brokenhearted. 

...And things got so rotten that his [Jesus] family tree looked more like the stump of a tree cut right off.  But right out of this stump. This budding branch – this green shoot of new hope, new starts, new freedom for the whole family – was Jesus!”

~Ann Voskamp  from Unwrapping the Greatest Gift

(the following excerpt is from Sarah Farrish's blogpost "The Family Stump")

When my son read these words (above) aloud, I held my breath.  Suddenly, we weren’t a mother, daughter, and son squished together on our sofa starting a new tradition, learning about Jesus.

          We were…are…a broken family.
the stump.

And my mind ran with it: stumps aren’t beautiful like trees. Stumps announce rather loudly – the rest of me is missing.  Cut down, blown over, hauled away, and changed forever.Who wants to be the stump? I want to be the tree! 

But stump-places mean that we have a chance to be new – to grow again. And that’s our story: from flood to promise, from stump to tree to cross—it’s Resurrection. Redemption.
The new start of baptism in Christ.

And I had no idea how much I 
needed it.
Who knew I was white-knuckling hope;  Holding on with all I had, choosing to believe that God is faithful to promises even though I felt left and forsaken?

Who knew I would leave the church for a season, rejecting what the “church” had become to and for me?
Who knew that the marriage I fought for, the stuff I collected, and the image I crafted would pass away?
Who knew that a stump could transform into a tree once again?

God did.
My Creator knew all along.

God of Advent anticipation, God of creation and re-creation,
Bring salvation and life into every part of my life. Even the stumpy parts I do not usually appreciate.
Help me to offer everything to you. Amen.

Kids Corner

Discussion:  Allow your child to brainstorm about what it means to make a promise.  Have they ever made one?  Has anyone ever made one to them?  Have they ever broken a promise?  Has anyone ever broken a promise to them?  How does that make them feel?  Reinforce that God made a promise and He doesn't break them.

Prayer: Dear God, we thank you for your promises to us that we can always trust. Amen


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