Jesse Tree Symbol #21: Zechariah's Angel

Jesse Tree Symbol #21: Zechariah's Angel
(many generations after the Hebrew prophets, and angel appears to a priest named Zechariah--proclaiming that this old man and his wife will have a son, a prophet named John who would prepare the way for the long awaited Messiah)

Reflection by Sue Ross
Our church's pastoral assistant

The angel Gabriel appeared to Zechariah and I believe in angels in our day too. Guardians sent from God to care for us.  

My story begins one morning when I awoke with a strong sense that something would happen that day and of course I ignored the feeling.  I arrived at work without any issues, worked the entire day without problems and at the end of the work day left the office.  Throughout the day at work though the sense of something happening grew stronger and stronger.  

As I got into my car and pulled out of the parking lot to leave the sense of something happening became overwhelming.  Still trying to ignore this feeling, I turned onto Fort King Street headed for the post office.  As I approached the intersection of Fort King and SE First Ave., I looked up at the street light, the light was green so I proceeded to go through the light.  All of a sudden my car came to a complete stop before entering the intersection.  

My foot was still on the accelerator, but my car was not moving.  I looked at the dash board to see what was wrong with the car.  The dash board was normal – no red lights appeared to indicate problems.  I looked out of the driver’s side window of my car only to see another car quickly passing through the intersection, ignoring their red traffic light.  After the car had passed through the intersection my car began to move again – just fine!  

You see God gave to me a “Guardian Angel” that evening to keep me safe even though I refused to listen to him.  I listen more carefully these days, trying to discern what God is trying to tell me and I’m not so quick to ignore what I hear. I imagine that Zechariah's months without speaking taught him a lot about listening and waiting for God, too. 

We are so close to Christmas.
Let us keeping listening for the voice of Christ.


Kids Corner

In the scripture Luke 1: 5-23 The angel tells Zechariah that his prayers have been heard by God. Do you have faith that when you pray your prayers are heard?  Say a prayer with your family knowing that it is being heard by God.

Activity:  Who doesn't love making an Angel at Christmas?  Here are 21 ways with things you already have at home!

Prayer: Dear God, thank you for listening to my prayers. I know you have plans for me that are filled with peace and hope. Amen


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