Symbol 13 of the Jesse Tree: Samuel's Lamp

Symbol 13 of the Jesse Tree: Samuel's Lamp
(In the early days of worship, a young boy was serving in the temple. It was late at night--the lamp was lit--when God called him. He grew into a great prophet and eventually was the one who anointed David as king.)

Samuel was the product of prayer, in fact, the name Samuel means "Because I asked the Lord for him."

In 1 Samuel 1, we read how Samuel's mother Hannah could not conceive a child so Hannah cried out to the Lord.

Sue and I could not conceive a child and after many months with all that modern medicine had to offer we were left with little hope.  Then one day while reading the story of Hannah in 1 Samuel 1, I realized that I had never really "cried out" like Hannah did.  Sure we had hoped and prayed but I had never just "cried out" like Hannah did "weeping bitterly."  

Today Sam or Samantha is fourteen years old.  She is a constant reminder of the story of Hannah and Samuel, of faith living and realized, and how I had to learn how to "cry out."  

This Christmas we celebrate and expect Emmanuel "God with us."


Pastor Allen

Kids Corner

Discuss: Samuel grew up to be a great prophet, but he was only a kid when God called him to serve. Do you ever feel like you're too young to serve God? What does Samuel's story teach you? (that you're never too young to serve God)

Participate: 1 Samuel 3:3 says "the lamp had not gone out" when God called him, so--with help from your parents--light a candle (or use use a flashlight) and act-out the dialogue between God and Samuel.

The child lies down while the adult calls the child by name: "Jordan! Jordan!"
Child responds: "Here I am!"
Adult: "Jordan! Jordan!"
Child: "Here I am!"
Adult: "Jordan! Jordan!"
Child: "Speak, Lord. Your servant is listening"

Pray: Dear God, today we are listening for your call. Perhaps you have something special for us to do. When you call, we will answer, "Here I am." Amen.


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