Advent Day 7: Peace

“The nativity mystery...the miracle of the existence of Jesus, his 'climbing down of God' comes from both the Holy Spirit and Mary. As he comes from God, Jesus comes also from a human being. Born of Mary means a human origin for God. Jesus Christ (the Prince of Peace) is not only truly God, he is human like every one of us.” ―Karl Barth, Dogmatics

"Painting Peace"
Once there was a king who sought the perfect image of peace, so he announced a contest and offered a great reward. Artists traveled from far and wide to share their interpretations and each painting seemed more beautiful than the last. There were blissful meadows and serene lakes, sleeping children and snowy chapels twinkling in the dusk. But one painting was unlike the others.  
Instead of gently rolling hills, there were sharp mountains and hard peaks. The sky was dark and foreboding--with ominous clouds spitting lightening and harsh winds plowing down the trees. Water thundered over a jutting cliff and pounded the bare rocks below. It was menacing.
And it won.
...because tucked away to the edge the canvas was a tiny bush growing in a crack in the rock. And in the bush was a nest and a sleeping bird. The storm raged, yet the bird was safe and secure. I’m sure she felt the effects of the wind and rain, but she remained settled and unshaken even in the storm. 
Peace isn’t always what we expect.  
Sometimes it’s smaller or less obvious
(like God in a manger)
And sometimes peace comes into the scene.
--not an absence of noise or struggle but as a presence of love--

(like the incarnation)
This and now is where (and when) the peace of Christ breaks in. Even here in the midst of busy-busy December, the Peace of Christ cannot be shaken. Even in grief and struggle, the Peace of Christ remains. We just need to stop, breathe, and look for it:
Jesus Christ, I know you are the Prince of Peace. Come into the stormy mess of my life. Come settle into the cracks and shift my perspective. Keep peace in me, so that I create peace among others. Amen. 
Prayer Note: next weekend (Sunday the 14th) our church will join with Druid Hills United Methodist Church for a “Blue Christmas Service”—a service especially for those who are grieving or stressed during this season. Please pray for those who are grieving or facing this season with difficulty; pray that, in their darkness, they would experience Christ as peace and comfort.

Song for today is Track #2:"Let Us Be" by Worship Collective

Let us be joy to the world
Let us be peace on the earth,
That all would sing “Come let us adore Him.”
Let us be wonders of
Heavenly grace, hope, and love
That all would sing “Come let us adore Him."

Wonderful Counselor, Almighty God, Prince of Peace
Merciful, Father of Life Everlasting.

Tomorrow’s word: Beginning


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