Advent Day 12: ALL People

“In him was life, and that life was the light of ALL humankind.” ~John 1:4

The angel said, "...I bring you good news that will cause great
joy for all the people.” ~Luke 2:10

God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.” ~John 3:16

Let It Shine
by Shannon Vianello 

I love the imagery of the Light shining into the dark places as it relates to Advent.   It is a very natural and habitual movement to click a lamp on, turn headlights on, increase the brightness on a phone, find a flashlight, flip the light switch before going into a room, etc.  We look for light in dark places to function well and move forward.  We seek the light out to feel safe and secure that if we are in unfamiliar territory surely the light will save us from an unwanted situation.

Recently I was reading a facebook post about how sad it was that Tuscawilla Park still isn't up to par.  They felt that even with all of the money they have invested in it,  there are still "unsafe and strange" people that continue to loiter. This particular person felt that there was no way they could bring their children to this park because of those reasons. Many people agreed and backed up this statement but then one person  replied..."What if we continued to come and bring happiness to the park? What if we all bring our kids often so the park doesn't feel so dreary?"

This statement made me ask myself,
"How often do I come into a situation being the light rather than seeking it for comfort?" 
The answer is not often enough.  

 Where are the dark places in our community, circle of friends, homes and even our own hearts?  Dare we go into the dark and challenge it or even yet change it?  

John 1:5 says" The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it."   

I taught Chapel to our church  preschool this morning and had all the 2 year olds in Mrs. Booths class hold battery operated tealights as we sang "This Little Light of Mine, I'm Gonna Let It Shine." We didn't sing, "This Little Light if Mine, I'm Gonna Let It Shine only in Well Lit Areas..." 
We share the light of Christ with ALL the world!

"This Little Light of Mine/Go Tell It on the Mountain"

“Light is disruptive. It breaks up the darkness. It illuminates. God’s light is like that, shining a spotlight on things we sometimes choose not to see. What parts of our lives—of our world need a bit of that light to shine? How might we be ambassadors of that light for others?”—Rethink Church UMC

Tomorrow’s word: Joy


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