Advent Day 11: Light

“The Holy miracle proclaimed in John 1 is not merely that the Light shines. Indeed, light is supposed to shine—that is its very nature. The breathtaking wonder of wonders is WHERE the Light shines: in the darkness. Instead of all the glorious and heavenly places, God chose (and still chooses) the darkness. God steps in. Light shines.  And when the Light shines, the darkness changes.” ~Christine Jones

The Light Shines in the Darkness
by Linda Johnson
 We have dark places right here in Marion County that need to have the Light of Christ taken in to them. Two of them are the Lowell Correctional Institution Facility for Women and the Marion Correctional Facility for Men.

For several years, my husband and I have been part of the Kairos Ministry which goes into the prisons internationally taking Christ’s light and love to incarcerated men and women. We have the privilege of representing the love of Christ to these women and men who may never have experienced His love and forgiveness in their lives. The inmates have made wrong choices and broken our human law, but God still loves and forgives them just like He loves and forgives us. Yes, they still have to sere their punishment but they can do so knowing that they are children of God, knowing that God will walk with them and He gives them hope for tomorrow. Jesus said in Matthew 25:26, “I was in prison and you visited me.”  (which means that we are also encountering Christ)

So as I enter that dark place each month, I look forward to meeting with the ladies I have grown to know and love. They really are no different from me. They may have made wrong decisions and few have had the opportunities that I have had, but God has allowed me to share His love and forgiveness with them in a very special way. I am so blessed to be able to call them my sisters in Christ.

"Nothing Can Slow You Down (Advent)" by Stephen Miller
Please listen to track #3

Here in this mess, we long to believe
Trying to trust you, though we have not seen
Even in doubt, Lord we are sure
Even in darkness, your light will endure

God of our rescue - Nothing can stop You
Nothing can slow You down
You won’t forsake us - You’re coming to save us
Nothing can slow you down

We will wait! We will wait!
For our help is on His way!
So come, Lord Jesus! Come, Lord Jesus!

Tomorrow’s word: ALL people


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