Advent Day 6: Hope

“Without the incarnation, Christianity isn't even a very good story, and most sadly, it means nothing. "Be nice to one another" is not a message that can give my life meaning, assure me of love beyond brokenness, and break open the dark doors of death with the key of hope…  The incarnation breaks it open and brings us new possibilities.”
― Michael Spencer, Mere Churchianity

Light in the darkness
by Karlie Harper
“This past week, I was devastated by the events in Ferguson, MO. As I watched Ferguson burning, my heart sank and I was dismayed; separation between God’s people was apparent. However, I participate in a sharing group on Facebook. People who are in need of items such as clothing for themselves or their children, furniture, help moving and so on can post seeking aid. Then others can respond offering the help or items. The two parties agree on place and time to meet, and the need is satisfied. No payment is ever made, and many online conversations end with “God Bless”.  The folks who belong to this group have embraced the idea that we all belong to each other, and we need to take care of each other. The love and compassion that I saw during the week leading up to Thanksgiving was astounding. There were whole families invited over for Thanksgiving dinner, or several folks would get together and purchase the items needed for the family to cook their own Thanksgiving dinner. In the midst of darkness and chaos on a national level, it was so wonderful to see the gracious love of God being spread to others. So as I prepare my family and my heart for the birth of Christ during this Advent season, I will kindle this light in my heart and hope to then spread it to others. There is always a light in the darkness.”

Song of the day can be found here:
"Hope for Soon" by Lancelot Shaubert

See the day or hour no one knows
when our King will draw his broom
to sweep away the pain of earth
but we know he will come soon.
When He comes, we will know
and He’ll come not in ways we assume,
but for now we hope for soon.
There had been no king for millennia
but the prophets sang their tune
of an Infant God in the virgin,
Mary begging, “King come soon.”

Tomorrow’s word: Peace


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