Day 25 of 40 (days of Prayer)

Daily Scripture--(connect with God) today we read... 
Daily Intercession-- (connect with others) today we pray for...

All who make us angry/frustrated/upset
(we need to remember to pray for them)

Morning Prayer (from St Patrick's Lorica Prayer)

I arise today through a mighty strength:
the invocation of the Trinity,
through belief in the Threeness,
through confession of the Oneness
of the Creator of creation.
Christ before me. Christ within me.
Christ throughout this day.

Mealtime 'bread' Prayer

God of all people,
Thank you for all you have given to us. Thank you for the many blessings of table and community. Thank you for your constant presence and overflowing grace. May your grace be present here with us.
Measure by measure,
moment by moment,
may your blessings overflow to others. Amen. 

Evening Prayer

O Lord my God,
The world is full of work— full of things to do and be done.
And your word declares that there is time for everything: 
there is a time to work and a time to rest.
Grant me peace. And rest.
Forgive my sins todayand help me start fresh tomorrow—rested and centered in You. Amen


Remember all that God has done. Remember those who are forgotten.
Remember to hope. Remember who (and whose) you are.

The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it.
There is beauty hidden in the ordinary.
Darkness will not have the final word.
God has been faithful even when we have not.
It is never too late to start again.
The Kingdom of God has come near and that changes everything!
Remember, Amen.


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