Day 22 of 40 (Days of Prayer)

Daily Scripture--(connect with God) today we read... 
Daily Intercession-- (connect with others) today we pray for...

Seniors in hospitals, rehab facilities, and nursing homes

Morning Prayer

I start this day with praise—praise to You, almighty God.
Praise for the morning!
Praise for the sunlight!
Praise for slow turning of new things awakening.
Awaken new life in me today.
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost! 

Mealtime 'bread' Prayer


Gracious God, you are Hospitality. You are Welcome. You are the Invitation, the Table, the Feast. By your spirit teach us to receive and offer grace, to share from the sustenance of our lives and not simply offer crumbs. Embolden us to see and serve those who continue to ask for bread and justice. Amen.

Evening Prayer

Thank you, Lord. You are without beginning and without end—eternal. But you created the world with seasons and times. You made the day for works of light and the evening for the refreshment of our minds and bodies. Keep me, now, in Christ; grant me peace this evening—and usher me into the hope of eternity with You—here and now. Amen.


Jesus was rejected by the world. It’s a hard truth.
...and, sadly, we reject God too.
We choose other things rather than choosing Christ.
(that's a hard truth too)

We reject you, Jesus,
When our lives become too busy for faith.
We reject you, Jesus,
When we give into selfish motives.
We reject you, Jesus,
When we see the poor with indifference.
We reject you, Jesus,
When we allow hate and anger to control our actions.
We reject you, Jesus,
When live as the earth is our possession, not yours.
We reject you, Jesus,
When we people suffer and we are unmoved.
We reject you, Jesus,
When our religious words and our actions do not meet.
We reject you, Jesus,
When we just others and build up ourselves.
We reject you, Jesus.
We reject you Jesus in more ways than we can count.
Still you invite us to begin anew. Amen.

(#PictureLent litany by Brett Opalinsky)


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