The 8th Days of Christmas: New Beginnings

Read Luke 2:21-38 
When Jesus was eight days old, he was presented to the Jewish temple. Were you presented in the church as a baby? Were you baptized? Ask your family about it—or about their own baptisms. Baptisms mark new beginnings and fresh starts--new opportunities to grow in our faith.   

"After eight days had passed, it was time to circumcise the child; and he was called Jesus, the name given by the angel before he was conceived in the womb." ~Luke 2:21

It was Jewish tradition to present children in the temple when they were eight days old. On their 8th day , they were circumcised and named--marking the beginning of their participation in the Jewish faith. This was the same with Jesus. The angels’ prophecy about his name was fulfilled ("you shall name him Jesus") and Jesus became part of the Jewish temple-going community. In short, he started to grow up.

Walter Edwards
When I went to Asbury College in 1952, I saw that many of my classmates had a verse of the Bible that they added to their signatures on notes and letters. I thought that was a good thing, so I looked for a verse that would be mine. I chose Matthew 1:21, the angel’s word to Joseph, “You shall call his name Jesus, for he shall save his people from their sins.” I have accepted God’s invitation and so I am one of his people being saved from my sins. I am also one of God’s witnesses inviting anyone who will to accept God’s invitation, become one of his people and be saved from their sins.
Lately when I am tempted to discouragement because of all the trouble I see, I repeat what has become my second word, Revelation 1:18 “I am he that was dead and look I am alive forever.” So the savior is still alive and still saving everyone who accepts God’s invitation.


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