
Marybeth wrote this poem back in 2014, but it's perfect for our Lenten theme of 'empty.'  I read it and thought, "this is so true! I do this--I stand on the curb with my hands full of garbage and miss out on the moment right in front of me! How often am I full of distraction instead of praise?"
May the Lord empty us of our preoccupation with self and awaken us to see the blessings we too often miss.

by Marybeth Muterelli

On a hurried mission, garbage bags in my hands.
Thinking  only of getting them out to the curbside cans.
I walk right by blooming azaleas and camellias without even a  glance.
I’m oblivious to a cardinal pair, and their aerial dance.
I don’t stop to see the flowers, their velvet petals of white, pink and red,
And the chirping communication of the cardinals irritates me instead.
I ignore the neighbor’s sweet and lazy cat as he stretches out in the warm sun,
I barely glance at an energetic pooch, dragging his owner on their run.
I don’t notice the perfect blue of the morning sky,
Or the wispy trail of a white cloud drifting by.
I barely feel the sun’s warmth on my arms and face.
I’ve got so much to finish on today’s insignificant race.
My mind is focused only on the errands of the day,
And  my day is organized around how to get them all done and out of the way.
I rush right by God’s creations, never giving them a thought.
Did I empty all the trashcans, or is there one I forgot?
That beautiful, vibrant red cardinal, protecting his dowdy, gray mate,
I don’t have time to notice their devotion because I’m already running late.
The scriptures tell us God has planned for all a bird would ever need,
And only He can create a plant from the tiniest seed.
He plans for every creature, and He loves them all.
He made every detail work, and nothing was too insignificant or small.
Every morning, my first thought should be of Him; my first words, praise.
Instead of an errand Iist I should ponder all the ways-
That God loves all of his creation, and that includes me!
Though I don’t deserve His regard, I acknowledge it gratefully.
And if I ordered my day by real priorities,
I’d start with a prayer of gratitude, on my knees.


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