First Symbol of the Jesse Tree: Creation

First Symbol of the Jesse Tree: Creation

Icon by Betsy Porter
From the very beginning, God created the world as an outpouring of love. God created out of grace. All creatures. All plants. All GOOD. 
Very good. 

Where have you witnessed the goodness of God's creation? Take a second to praise God for two or three things...

And the Advent promise is that we are waiting for the day when all things will be re-created through Christ Jesus. All things brought back to very good. 

How is God recreating in you? Where are places in your life that you need to invite God to enter in? 

"For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the children of God; for the creation was subjected to futility, not of its own will but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and will obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God." ~Romans 18:19-21

Kids Corner

1. Discuss:
What existed in the very beginning? (nothing but God)
What did God say about all that was created? (It’s good!) 
What is your favorite creation? (Everyone in the family share) As you go through the days with your child remember God is so awesomely creative! 

2. Activity
a. movement -  Everyone gets a flashlight. Turn the lights off in the house or go outside. • Choose someone to be it and to turn on his or her flashlight. This person will tag someone by shining his or her flashlight at someone else. • The tagged person is now it. The original tagger will shut off his or her flashlight, and the new tagger will turn on his or her flashlight and tag another. • Keep playing until everyone has been it, or until everyone is tired

b. Make a snowflake (because God makes all of us unique! -

 3. Pray with your child: Wonderful God, thank you for the world you created. Help us to create solutions for a better world. In Jesus Name Amen.


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