Self-Assesment for Corporate Worship

To worship is to experience Reality, to touch Life. It is to know, to feel, to experience the resurrected Christ in the midst of the gathered community. It is a breaking into the Shekinah (the glory and radiance of the God who is immediately present) or better yet worship is being invaded by holiness of God.”  ~Richard Foster, Celebration of Discipline

Self-Assessment for Corporate Worship

...because God's presence calls us to worship
and worship brings us before the throne of God[1]

These questions are designed to help you identify the way you think about corporate worship
(i.e. what happens and where is God in worship?)

  •   Do I usually think of worship as a noun or a verb (i.e. is worship something we ‘go to’ or something we do)? 
  • Do I consider myself a spectator or a participant in worship (do I watch others ‘lead’ worship, or am I actively part of it)? 
  •  Do I prepare for worship throughout the week (reading Scripture, praying deeply, listening for God’s voice throughout the week)?
  • Do I think of worship for me, or for GOD (Father, Son, Holy Spirit)--do I think about worship as happening before the Throneof God? 
  •  When music is played, am I listening to it or do I picture that music being played for God? 
  •  When I sing, am I actually singing to God (or am I just singing along with people beside me)?  
  • When I leave worship, am I usually thinking ‘that was good/that was boring‘ or am I thinking ‘God is good!’? (in other words, do you leave thinking about your reaction to the service or do you leave thinking about God who calls us to service?)
  • Do I expect to encounter God in worship? 
  •  Do I want to encounter the holiness of God? 
  •  When I worship, am I aware of God:
o   enthroned in heaven above –Holy and exalted (the Father) ?
o   and also with us –leading/teaching and interceding on our behalf (the Son) ?
o   and also within us –filling/empowering, uniting, sending (the Spirit) ?

[1] Based on the throne image in Isaiah 6. note: worship should happen every day, with each breath, but these questions focus on gathered, corporate worship


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