Advent Day 1: Advent/Coming

We remember those who waited. (in the Old Testament Scriptures--waiting for their savior)
We remember those who wait.  (in darkness now)
We remember the darkness in our own lives. (so that light may break in)
 …and we celebrate the Light who came. who comes. and is coming again.
       Prince of peace.
       The everlasting Son.
       Incarnate deity.

We celebrate/marvel at/meditate on the incarnation that is the Word--the Light--made flesh
(we prepare for Christmas)
(The wholeness of God in the smallness of forms)

...and we imagine the incarnation anew in our world today
  • If Christ came now, what would that look like?
  • Where in our hearts and lives should we be making ready?
  • Where have we seen the kingdom breaking in?
Advent begins. today.

(the last few seconds are obviously for a different website, but the rest is spot-on)


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