
As we turn to these last few weeks of Lent, be careful not to jump too quickly to Easter.
(Retail shelves have already been there for months, I know, but faith goes much deeper than jelly beans and chocolate)
...in fact, you’ll see that our Gospel reading for this week is anything but sugar-coated.

Christ is still journeying to the cross--
and there's much work to be done.
So let’s keep wandering (and wondering).
Let’s keep asking ourselves, “Who is this Christ?
This savior? This son of man and Son of God?”

by Michaela Allbritton
It is God who loves me
It is God who I live for
It is God who saves me
It is God who will always be there
My God is a king
My God is mighty
My God is powerful
My God is above all
Without God
There would be no me
There wouldn't be anyone
There would be nothing
With God
There is life
There is Earth
There is everything


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