Day 30: When a little is everything

Psalm 111:1-10
*Mark 5:1-20*

2 Corinthians 1:3-4

Jesus sat down and watched the crowd putting money into the treasury. Many rich people put in large sums. A poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which are worth a penny. Then he called his disciples and said to them, ‘Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the treasury...’
~Mark 12:41-44

“Discipleship & Finances”
by Chip Williams
After returning home from College, I was largely focused on landing a career that would bring financial stability. I had this (false) illusion that my life had to consist of making a healthy amount of money so that everything would be achievable and I wouldn't have “unsuccessful notions” about myself. However, I am early in my career and, thus, I am far from "striking gold" to where I want to be financially. 
I had given to the church before, but never over 10%. Tithing was something that I gave to keep the church and all its programs running. In my mind, it was more or less a tip that I felt obligated to give up at the end of the week (...which at the surface is true, but I now realize that giving goes much deeper than that).
It wasn't until the conversation about tithing came up in my journey to the cross that I truly understood what a disciple does with money. Disciples put God first in their finances.
Before everything else, tithing is a way for me to say "God, this isn't my money, but it's one of your instruments in my life that you have given me." With this understanding, I created a budget with my fiancée so we could live our lives in a simple way (although, we are fresh in our careers anyway, so we don't have much of an option). However, with less material things to worry about or consume our time, our walk with God has been sharpened and we feel blessed.
My life is going through many different “big ticket” items right now—you know, like finding a place for my fiancée and I to build our lives together—but none of these shake the foundation of our faith. I trust the Lord to see us through this chapter in our lives. 

Heavenly Father, I put you first in all things.
Jesus Christ, I seek you first in all things.
Holy Spirit, I need you more than everything.


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