A Few Sermon Notes from last Sunday

Luke 13:10-13 (CEB)

10Jesus was teaching in one of the synagogues on the Sabbath. 11A woman was there who had been disabled by a spirit for eighteen years. She was bent over and couldn’t stand up straight. 12When he saw her, Jesus called her to him and said, “Woman, you are set free from your sickness.” 13He placed his hands on her and she straightened up at once and praised God.

We do not know exactly what made this woman disabled for eighteen years. What we do know is that in being bent over she has been unable to experience the fullness of life. We might assume she endured much suffering physically, emotionally, and socially. 

I think it is good that we do not know exactly what is wrong, because it helps us better imagine all the countless ways we are bent over and burdened in our lives . . . all the ways we are unable to stand up straight and experience the fullness of life that God desires for us.

There are those bent over by illness or injury.
There are those bent over by depression, anxiety and doubts.
There are those bent over by abuse, oppression and injustice.
There are those bent over by a dysfunctional marriage or family situation.
There are those bent over by financial debt and joblessness.
There are those bent over by addictions.
There are those bent over by trauma.
There are those bent over by self-destructive behaviors and patterns.
There are those bent over by sin and shame.
There are those bent over by greed or by jealousy or by lust.
There are those bent over by self-centeredness and indifference to suffering.

The list could go on.

I am convinced that each one of has been this woman.  Anything that robs us of a full and abundant life connects us in some small way with her experience.  And I do not mean a full and abundant life of wealth and possessions.  I mean a full and abundant life filled with the gifts of the Holy Spirit - the gifts we see in Galatians 5:  The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

When we are bent over, when we cannot stand up straight, when we cannot breathe deeply the breath of God, we are deprived of the fullness of life God intends, just like the woman in our passage today.

The good news we hear in our lesson today is simple and life-changing: 
  •  Through Christ Jesus, we can stand up straight again.
  • Through Christ, we can breathe deeply of the Holy Spirit once more. 
  • Through Christ, we can find release from our burdens that have us bent over and suffering.

I wish it was always as quick and easy as this moment where Jesus says the word and offers his healing touch and new life begins. But remember, this woman had lived with this burden for 18 years. Perhaps our battles will take just as long. 

But I do believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that healing is possible. Jesus is the great physician!

A Prayer:
Holy and gracious God, we pray you help us to see all the ways we are bent over and unable to experience the joy and peace you promise. We pray that you will help us to hear to the good news of your salvation – that by your word we are set free, healed and made whole. We pray that you will allow us to feel the touch of your hand assuring us of your love, your grace and your power to live a new life in freedom, love and service. Amen.


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