My Story (a proclamation of faith by Erica Spradling)

The task of having to write “my story” has perplexed me.  What do I write?  My life story?  My religious background?  I took a couple weeks to think about it and I have decided to share my story of what brought me back to Ocala First United Methodist Church in 2014.  Here goes….

Although I officially became a member of First Church many years ago, when my daughter was little, I attended sporadically.  Then, one Sunday in the fall of 2014, I awoke with a strong urge to attend that morning’s contemporary service.  I knew I would be attending alone, sitting alone, and would likely not know anyone since I had been gone from the church for a few year.  But I went.

Reading the Bulletin while I waited for the service to begin, I saw a notice for the Psalms Bible Study.  Interest peaked!  It started that very morning.  I knew I had to attend.  Follow your instincts, right?!  I texted a message to the number on the notice.  “My name is Erica and I would like to attend the bible study today.”  I received a very friendly, welcoming text in return.

I won’t add all that this class gave to me…what I learned, etc..  But the most priceless of all was the new friendships I earned.  One in particular.  Karlie Harper.

I thank God everyday for bringing Karlie and her family into our lives, as well as keeping that desire burning in me for my continued involvement and participation in the church.  

Soon later, after some persistence on my part, my daughter attended her first Youth meeting.  She came home more excited about church and God than ever!

Months later, when the church announced needing players for their softball team, I signed up the whole family, without even consulting my husband (LOL).  To my joy, he was excited.  He has accepted his wife’s “church friends” with open arms and an open mind. 

For now, I continue to pray to God, thanking him for the world He has created and the joy He has brought into my life and my family’s lives, and asking Him to continue to let me experience His Grace in my life.



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