Sunday Scriptures

Scriptures for this Sunday (8/17/14):

1 Corinthians 12:4-11, 27-31
Matthew 25:14-30

Prayers of the People from last Sunday (8/10/14):

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, you are indeed our God, our maker, our savior, our shepherd.
So we echo and continue the joyful noise made by hundreds of vacation bible school kids this week
--we praise your name and proclaim that you are worthy—so worthy—of all our attention.
Reclaim us as your people and humble our hearts in worship.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for our congregation—First United Methodist of Ocala. Help us to be truly present in our community so that lives would be transformed by the glory and salvation of Jesus. We ask for your guidance and leadership in worship, in missions, in smallgroups, in meetings, and in budgets... We ask that you would put the right people in the right places, so that all of us would use our spiritual gifts to build each other up. Whether we are long time members or first time guests, give us fresh eyes to see and bless each other in Jesus’ name.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Lord, we know your church stretches across the world, so we ask you to hold in your loving arms all those who have been caught up in violence and conflict. We especially pray for those in Gaza and Iraq who’ve been forced to flee their homes, all who have lost friends, family and possessions and those who now face an uncertain future. Bless our Christian brothers and sisters who have seen the destruction of their churches and communities and for our Muslim neighbours who have also experienced destruction and suffering.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

In all things, we know that you are a God who cares. You comfort us when we hurt and you give us courage when we are afraid. We ask that you would bless and comfort all the people in our congregation and our community; we pray for those who grieve, for parents facing empty nests, for all who suffer from heart disease, cancer, racism, or addiction; for bank accounts that sit empty and restless hearts weighed down with guilt. God we pray for all who are just plain exhausted—whether in body, mind, or soul. Lord in all these things, bring rest. freedom. and peace.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


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